Life is a lego design your blocks

I thought life had only 3 stages: getting a university degree, having a career, and starting a family.

Once you finish school, you focus on the last two.

And that's the end of life. what a mediocre thinking

These are three high-level blocks, the popular stages in life you go through.

Viewing life that way will make it hard for me to identify what makes my wants and needs come true.

I would be living a life of drugged dreams with that perception.

Then I realized life is a set of blocks for each stage I am in.

To reach a stage, you need to think about the set of blocks that help you get there.

If you look around enough, everything is made of a set of building blocks.

This way of thinking fast-tracks identifying the elements you need to achieve your goals.

Our problem

Lies in viewing life as just three blocks: education, career, and family.

While these are fundamental blocks, being stuck in them and repeating only those fundamentals hinders our growth.

This preinstalled way of thinking won't help us see the things we need to change, identify, and develop.

Achieving your dreams becomes hard or slow due to a straight-line mental image of thinking.

It won't open your eyes and horizon to view how to reach higher levels in life.

Higher levels are not just about money.

It's about perspective, mental models, and new lenses to see things differently.

It's about acquiring new skills and knowledge, finding better ways to nourish the spirit, and seeking new and interesting experiences.

It's embracing new ideas and concepts.

Discovering these blocks is what makes you a master, enabling you to reach your potential and become the best version of yourself.

And there are blocks that not only shape you but also shape those around you.

What is design blocks?

The business and life you want to achieve are created through a set of blocks.

Blocks aren't a one-time creation; you create many for a certain level to achieve your current purpose.

Once reached, it expands your horizon.

You become more mature and wise, gaining the ability to identify and create new ones for new horizons. You don't think like an average person.

You stand on your previous set of blocks (floor), visualizing your new horizon.

You design the set of blocks based on your current needs for your next goals and dreams.

Each stage in your life requires certain blocks that you and only you can identify.

Your needs, perspective, experience, worldview, and wants change from time to time. This change requires a new set of blocks to bring new thinking into practice.

Think about it. It's like building a floor on top of the other and continuing to move to the top.

The last floor (set of blocks) you are in can't be your last, as you're still early in life. And standing on top of it can't be an empty rooftop.

You have to furnish it with walls, utilities, and furniture.

If you choose not to, you've made a decision to stay behind in perspective, learning, thinking, skills, and many more.

design set of blocks for each level in your life

For example:

If I want to start a business based on an idea I have, I need a set of blocks to get it up and running.

First, I need to find an idea that solves a problem and creates value.

Then, I need to identify my target segment and determine the channels I need to reach out to them.

I must test the value proposition and continuously improve it.

I need to consider what systems and tools I need to support my new business.

I should outline the benefits I need to communicate in my marketing messages.

I need to learn how to write content that sells and effectively communicates my message.

I should also consider potential partnerships and collaborations.

Identifying the skills I need to learn, including soft skills like public speaking, managing, and presenting, is crucial.

Networking with the right people in the right places is also important.

Starting a business idea requires a specific set of blocks to get it up and running, its different from the blocks needed for growth and scaling.

Connect business block with other block

If we talk about writing as a single block, you need to learn writing structure, rules, and format.

You must write like you tell a story, keeping in mind that writing rules and formats differ for each medium: social media, email, and blogs.

You need to learn how to craft a hook and understand what resonates with people. Mastering the ability to evoke emotions through writing is crucial.

The writing block and business block are two major blocks. Interconnected together; both are major components. This is a great example that resonate with many.

Helps you deliver your purpose faster. If you master achieving them, it will set you higher in the horizon.

At the end

Life is a set of blocks; figure out what you need for your current goals and needs.

And never stop stacking those blocks on top of each other.

Build your own floors and stairs to reach your pinnacle.

Architect your life for each stage you are in.

Thanks for reading!


PS two things I can help you with:

Exploring and defining the strategic direction, objectives, and key elements to achieve market relevance. uncover opportunities, understand user needs, and design solutions that align with business goals.

Guide you and help you on a project you’re working on; need help to set direction to reach desired outcomes.