Activate your built-in system for success

The life you want to live starts from the mind.

The brain has the most sophisticated built-in operating system.

But you live in a default mode. Your life is mediocre to an average.

Eat, sleep, work. Rinse and repeat.

Every physical thing you see in life came into existence from the mind.

There is no secret to achievements.

No matter what kind of goal you're trying to reach—health, financial success, parenting, relationships, or career

The problem is that you trap yourself, which keeps you from living your dreams.

And your own operating system (the mind) acts according to what you feed it

  • Limiting belief

  • Waiting to take action until you 'feel' ready

  • Viewing mistakes as failure

  • Giving up before you see results

  • You never finish what you started

  • You make excuses

You create negative inputs. Your brain processes them, and your mind's operating system acts upon them. The results of that are reflected in the actions you take.

Its what they call it programming your own operating system but for a bad cause.

If you want to live an interesting life and reach your goals and dreams, you have to activate your built-in operating system, improve it, and develop it.

Many attribute success and achievement to various factors, such as personality, education, and upbringing.

But these are not the only facilitators. There are three factors within your brain that can help you achieve what you want. It is in your hands to activate them.

Think of them as buttons you have to press to get them working.

The first factor is your first button to press, and the most important one, is your neurotransmitter dopamine. It's a 'chemical pleasure' released when you experience something pleasurable or rewarding.

The game to earn your dopamine is by taking daily actions towards your goals. Focusing on one task at a time and completing it is like candy for the brain.

Drip-feeding your brain with dopamine keeps you curious and motivated. This is how you adjust your mood and keep working towards your dream.

Once your dopamine is released, it activates the second factor, which is a state you reach called grit.

Grit is defined as dedication and passion for one’s long-term goals, characterized by both passion and persistence. It's the ability to resist and persist.

Grit linked with two types of brain structures:

  1. Prefrontal Cortex

  2. The ventral Striatum

The prefrontal cortex helps people set and achieve goals. It contributes to wide variety of cognitive functions. focus, self-control, planning, thoughts and predicting.

It coordinates and adjusts complex behaviours “I can’t do A until B happens”. It's important to fix this type of behaviour through your cortex.

The ventral striatum handles motivation and responding to rewards. The dopamine you release by taking small action will impact the ventral striatum.

  • deep brain structures involved in motivation (the ventral striatum) and

  • brain regions closer to the surface of your face (cortex)

Gritty people have stronger connections between the two.

While you're in a state of grit, motivated and persistent in taking actions, you activate the third factor, which is malleability.

It's the ability to shape something, in this case, shaping the brain to learn, as the brain is a learning machine.

When numbers one and two are in place through doing, motivation, persisting, and insisting, you have the ability to form new neural connections and reorganize your brain.

Because in the journey you must be learning new skills, knowledge and experiences.

To overcome struggles and barriers in your journey.

As a result your brain will learn (malleability) new things, how to solve and overcome.

All of these three factors will bring your actions closer to your purpose. It's you who has the ability to connect and link all these factors.

This is the code:

You decide to take action; it sparks dopamine. Then it activates your motivation system. With your self-control, you activate grit. Meanwhile, your brain is learning and shaping itself to optimize the new actions and information you introduced.

Keep the code running daily. With time, you will get what you want if you resist and persist.

There are times when you feel out of control, depressed, which can cause your operating system to malfunction. Don't dwell on it; take back control.

Take control of your operating system, update, fix, and improve it to see the wonders you dream of.

Here's a mental image to inspire you: think of your mind (operating system) as a computer algorithm that efficiently runs things.

Thanks for reading!


PS two things I can help you with:

Exploring and defining the strategic direction, objectives, and key elements of a project. uncover opportunities, understand user needs, and design solutions that align with business goals.

Guide you and help you on a project you’re working on; need help to set direction to reach desired outcomes.